Intervista a Bobi Petreski

Bobi Petreski

La potenza di Internet e del web: quella di far incontrare e conoscere, anche solo per caso, persone lontane, di lingua, cultura e paesi diversi.
Ed è questo che è successo quando un tale Bobi Petreski, ragazzo nonchè writer macedone, mi ha contattato per un banale scambio di link fra il mio blog e il suo, dopo essere incappato, quasi per caso immagino, su acirdesign.
Da quel primo, timido scambio di mail sono nate discussioni e conversazioni, ed è altresì nata un’idea: perchè non ospitare su queste pagine alcuni dei suoi lavori, anzichè procedere con un banale scambio di link?
Non solo, ma ho proposto a Bobi anche una mini intervista, incuriosito dai suo lavori e dal suo paese natale, la Macedonia, stato della penisola Balcanica giusto dall’altra parte del Mediterraneo; certo i writer macedoni non saranno al livello dei compatrioti europei e Bobi non avrà la tecnica di Daim, ma è affascinante come,  anche in paesi che storicamente non hanno subito un’influenza occidentale durante il periodo che va dal post Seconda Guerra mondiale a quello post Guerra Fredda ed indipendenza, un pratica prettamente “afroamericana ed europea” come il writing abbia attecchito.
Beh, bando alle ciancie ora, e via con l’intervista, ovviamente in inglese! Se avete problemi con la lingua di Shakespeare quindi, andate pure a farvi un giro!

– Hi, Bobi, and welcome to Acirdesign! Would you like to introduce yourself?!-

“Thank you for your question Acir…, I am glad that i can introduce myself. I am a 3D  graffiti artist from Macedonia, and I have been dealing with street art for almost three years and it is represents for me the best way of expressing myself regarding to fine arts.”

-First of all…How did you get here on Acirdesign? Simply an Internet surfing?!-

“Yes, I did found out about your webpage by internet surfing after searching through dozens of webpages taht are involved with this kind of art, and most probably I ran into the right people who are interested in my work.”

-Ok so, Can you tell me and to our visitor about your origins as graffiti artist? When did you start?-

“I started with graffiti drawing in 2007 in my home town Prilep and in Skopje where I study at the Faculty of Fine Arts-fine art printing department. Of course I did have my own crew with  witch I drew comeclean, and I have been spending my time mostly on creating my style that I am still upgrading.”

Ehi Bobi, I noticed that your style is really particular…not the same 3d inspired by Daim and so on, but letters with small sticks, that remind Escher or Joys, an italan 3d graffiti artist;  So,can you tell us about your style…how did it born? And How is It growen up? Which are your artist inspiration, if you have any?

“Well, in the begining my style was 2D, but soon I grew out of it,I got tired with that style so I started working with 3D.  One of the people who inspired me of course were Daim, Peeta Odeith, Brusc, Neck and many others as well as a great number of artists that I have studied about during the course of my studies.”

-Did you prefear to express you artistic “estro” in illegal situation or in hall of fame?-

“In the begining I worked illegal for a long period but later I started legal and I think I can express myself better in that way, although very often I can go out and draw something  without permission, the important thing is to achieve what I have thought of.  Hahaah!”

-How is the graffiti scene in Macedonia ?!-

“Well in Macedonia the graffiti scene was dead till recently, but in the last couple of years there appeared greater interest that makes me realy happy. One of the problems is that there is a lack of legal places for drawing and that people need time to understand that it is a reak art and not vandalism. But for now we are doing fine.”

Ok so, thank you for this interview and for the time spent with us. I Hope you’ll come here in Italy to write with us! Would you like to tell something to our readers?!

“Thank you too for the interview and I hope that some day I will be able to come to Italy as well and draw there. And for the readers i would recomend to them to take a spray in their hand and allow it to make them the happiest people. Bye!”